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I blog occasionally.
I write to tell stories and share perspective. Writing is also a learning process for me: everything I write teaches me more about myself, about the topic at hand, and about effective communication.
Let's keep the conversation going if anything here sparks a thought. Drop me an email anytime.

Other writing:
Why We Invested: ZUMI – Empowering Africa's apparel retailers, Sherpa Ventures | July 19, 2021
Why We Invested: Boost – Digitizing informal small business across Africa, Sherpa Ventures | June 7, 2021
How Strengthened My Resolve to Pursue Impact, Blog | May 6, 2021
Startup Acts are the next form of policy innovation in Africa, AfricaSource (Atlantic Council) | December 9, 2020
The Lingering Dream of an East African Federation, NYU Journal of Politics and International Affairs | May 4, 2019
The Battle for Hegemony Nobody is Talking About, NYU Journal of Politics and International Affairs | Nov 10, 2018
Social Media's Dark, Unintended Consequences, NYU Journal of Politics and International Affairs | Aug 16, 2017
Holding Trump Accountable to the Stock Market, NYU Journal of Politics and International Affairs | May 12, 2017
Did Karl Marx Foresee Trump's Rise?, NYU Journal of Politics and International Affairs | Apr 18, 2017
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