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I like working with people to solve complex problems that benefit society. I grew up near Chicago, moved to New York City for my Bachelor's degree, later to Paris for my Master's, and now call Berlin home.


I'm always looking to meet like-minded people. Feel free to drop me an email. My resume is available here.

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Five facts about me:

➢​ I'm fascinated by how systems intersect and people interact. Some examples: business and climate; politics and economics; development and sustainability.

I have a deep commitment to social impact. I believe that businesses must exist to serve a societal purpose beyond the money they earn. This is why I devote time to support social enterprises who use business to make the world more inclusive and sustainable.

I love learning about new cultures, countries and business opportunities. I studied and worked abroad for half of my Bachelor's — first in London and Shanghai with BPE, then in Paris through an exchange at HEC, and finally in Tel Aviv with Birthright Israel Excel.

I learn by doing and seek out diverse work experiences. I worked in the public, private and social sectors across three continents during my Bachelor's, gleaning unique insights from each opportunity.
➢ I believe that the world's future hinges on the success of the African continent. Rapidly growing, urbanizing and developing, I'm passionate about finding ways to ensure this evolution is eco-friendly and inclusive.

Five stories about me:

➢​ My first internship was for NextTier Education, a Chicago-based ed-tech startup, for two summers in high school. This helped develop an early passion for entrepreneurship and led me to study business at NYU.

➢ In 2017, I worked with women in rural Ghana to help launch businesses and drive community development. This experience ignited my interest in working within Africa and pursuing social impact opportunities.

➢ I studied in Shanghai during Spring 2018. Living and studying in China helped me better understand alternative economic development models from one of the fastest growing countries.

➢ I interned for my local congressman on Capitol Hill during Summer 2018. Working in Washington D.C. reaffirmed my commitment to public service.

➢ I traveled solo in the Middle East for two weeks and lived with a family in Palestine for 5 days during Summer 2019. The things I saw and conversations I had allowed me to see new perspectives and develop empathy with ease. 


Five organizations I support:


BfE provides pro-bono advisory services to social entrepreneurs in the developing world.

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Amenuveve is a Ghanaian non-profit driving community development through business.


Roots of Impact is an impact investment firm providing Impact-Linked Finance to social entrepreneurs in emerging markets.


Dream VC is an investor accelerator running remote community-driven venture capital fellowships specifically focused on the African continent.

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Birthright Israel Excel is a lifelong business fellowship for talented global and Israeli university students.

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